Positive Edge Technologies
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IT Strategy
Our approach to IT strategy is not about technology, but rather our customer’s business needs and applying the right solution which is sustainable and gives the highest return on IT investment. Our team with extensive experience in public sector business processes drives governmental organizations to peak performance and has delivered solutions funded by the multilaterals in 30 developing countries across all sectors of the economy.

We have developed IT strategic plans for the banking sector in the area of payments systems, real time gross settlement systems, bank supervision, back-office systems, and disaster and recovery strategies for the Central Banks in Montenegro, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Peru, Ukraine and the Russian Federation. We have advised Bank Mandiri in Indonesia, one of the largest commercial banks in SE Asia with assets exceeding 20 billion dollars, in setting up its back-office operations and managing a multimillion dollar IT procurement.
International Consulting
IT Strategy
Public Sector Management